The average American has a unhealthy diet because we have been taught to eat boxed foods and foods that are over processed. The foods we eat can make us gain weight and also cause high blood pressure. Fried food is one of the worst things you can eat daily if you are trying to prevent […]

Youi need to take your health seriously and make sure you eat to live a full life. The Alkaline water and foods will keep you feeling your best to perform at peak levels. The body can fight off Cancer with the right foods and water but you must be consistent with your lifestyle habits. Sign […]

The body needs to be balanced just like anything else on the planet. Your body needs the water and right foods to stay balanced and keep you healthy. You will feel better and understand how eating right will lead to less illness.   #Representmenshealth Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say […]

The man should be the foundation of the family house hold but if you don’t take care of yourself you can’t take care of you house. Health is the New Wealth. Black Men we need to have better eating habits and we need to drink more water just to start. The body is a temple […]

#Representmenshealth We don’t get serious about preventing illness until we get sick. I personally NEVER get real sick but I work on preventive remedies and avoid getting sick. I eat good foods and fruits on a daily so I can live a healthy life. Cancer is a cell that can be treated before it gets […]

The Heart is you engine that keeps your body going. You need to watch what you eat an make sure you get enough sleep to let your body heal itself. There are many things that can help or hurt your heart health. Health is the new wealth so take care of your heart and live […]

The body is your temple so you have to teach yourself how to respect your own body.  I am still working on my body, health and fitness because you never stop trying to better yourself. You need self discipline to workout or develope good eating habits. If you want to get strong, you need […]

Every workout isn’t for everybody but there are workouts that can fit your goals and lifestyle.  I started slow because it’s a lifestyle you have to adjust to.  I think you should start 2 to 3 times a  week so your body can get use the routine .    6. Wide-Grip Pullups (assisted if […]

The Skin is the first thing a person may notice when they meet you, so you want to make sure you always look good. You skin is a reflection of how you are taking care of yourself and how you are eating. The small things make a big difference like water, oils and foods. See […]

You need to build large muscle groups and small groups too. The small muscle groups help you stay balanced and help you prevent injury. Large muscle groups will help you lose weight and get stronger but your small muscle groups keep your body together. 1. Rotator cuff Why it’s important: Deltoids the size of grapefruits […]

Make a effort to do your best for you. Working out is a great way to start or finish your day. In 30 days you can change your body and your life but you have to want it and not just say you want it, The body needs attention just like anything else in life. […]

  The body needs balance and you have to listen to your body and follow the signs. The core/Abs are the reason we stand up tall and don’t slump over when we walk.  Strength training is a big part of over all health and balance. Eating right and drinking plenty of water is a must […]