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Many black dumbbell lined up in a fitness room.

Source: Getty

Every workout isn’t for everybody but there are workouts that can fit your goals and lifestyle.  I started slow because it’s a lifestyle you have to adjust to.  I think you should start 2 to 3 times a  week so your body can get use the routine . 


6. Wide-Grip Pullups (assisted if needed)

On a bar or assisted pullup machine, place your hands so they are each 6-8 inches beyond your shoulder width, fingers facing away from you. Inhale, then exhale as you pull your body up, chin above the bar. Inhale as you lower down with control.


10. Decline Pushups

Come into plank position with your feet elevated on a bench. Inhale as you lower yourself down, chest toward the ground, taking care that your elbows stay tucked back, not flaring to the sides. Exhale as you push up.


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