Ko Show Fitness

The cold weather workouts are better for burning fat and calories so try to switch up your workouts to get the best out of yourself. I challenge you to push yourself in your workouts to make sure you transform your body.  Make it count! Source: Fitness Follow Me On IG @Konan92Q Sign Up For Our […]

The Chest is the hardest part of the body to work back in to shape once you let it go. There are so many reasons that you need to make sure you work your Chest. You push and pull things everyday but never think about the muscles you use to do it. The Chest muscle […]

The way to lose weight is to make sure you have a balanced diet. Water is a major part of your fitness so drink plenty of it and eat clean. The way you take care of your body will show in your face. Love your body an yourself by eating right. Source: Eat Clean & […]

The body is your temple and you should treat it as such. The best thing you can do in 2017 is take time for yourself so please invest in YOU this year. Your health is the key to living a great life so don’t waste time acting like you will workout. Just do it. You […]

  The workouts you need to start 2017 off right. I know that the first three months will be packed at the gym but you can still workout. There are ways to workout and not use a gym or worry about toning up. I have what you need for 2017 so just make the time […]

We have to commit to a fitness routine in order to see results. You can do everything you want but if you don’t stay focused it won’t matter. The gym isn’t the only place to workout or lose weight so make your gym where you are. That can be the office or home! Source: Workouts […]

We all look forward to the New Year and we make our Resolutions thinking that the New Year will just change. The only way things change is when you change your mind to make it happen. You have to be willing to give up some things that others won’t so your future self will thank […]

I want you to enjoy the holidays but I also want you to live healthy and respect your body. Clean your body out and purify yourself with the right foods and water. I know it’s not easy but you will thank me and yourself later. Your skin will look better and you will  feel incredible […]

I meditate to add peace and balance to my body. Meditation is a great way to take stress out of your life and give you a healthier mind,body and spirit because things will not bother you like they use to. The power of meditation will change your life once you take time to learn it’s […]

Ladies the best thing you can do going into the holidays is workout so you get a headstart on 2017. The New Year will have people talking about their plans for a healthy 2017 and they will talk about losing weight. This will help you jumpstart your routine. Free Camp Workout With Me This Saturday […]

You should have a routine for your daily workout! I can help you with our FREE workout on December 17th. Your body is your temple and you should take more time with it. You can do Ab workouts without always laying down. Source: Fitness Sign Up Here For My FREE Workout On Dec 17th 8am! […]

The best thing you can do is tighten up your midsection because your Abs control your body completely.  The Abs help you control your Balance they keep you standing upright and they take stress off your Back. Drinking plenty of water and eating right will help you let those Abs shine through.  Our last FREE […]