
The Dirt Platoon is Riding the Hooligan Express check out the song " Love Song" . You be the judge. Tell us if it is Good or Wood.

O'Malley to sign foreclosure mediation bill

Say goodbye to the four-cent bottle tax. City Council has come up with an alternative plan to lessen the gap in the City's budget.

Maryland has one of the largest increases in the nation of borrowers in danger of losing their homes.

His pay is considered excessive by many prompting changes in compensation structure.

Bullying is a large issue among school kids and students from a West Baltimore school teach younger kids how bullying is not cool.

Police have full confidence that their investigation was warranted and stand by their actions.

When budget cuts are inevitable in the city, the idea of saving over $90 million on pensions may be a glare of hope but unions say changes would violate contract.

A home invasion turned to murder is what the prosecution is saying happened.

Hall faces murder, attempted murder charges in incident involving 2 basketball players

The Rev. Al Sharpton visited Baltimore on Monday to seek support for a plan to develop a new arts district in the city to honor Africa- American cultural achievements. WOLB1010 AM radio show host Larry Young said that has been trying to make things happen for the past 25 yrs.

Rev. Al Sharpton will lead a rally and town hall meeting to gain support from citizens as well as local and national leaders regarding a host of issues affecting African Americans.