I found a few things I could be doing on a snowy day like this but I’m at work so until 2 O’clock, these tips wouldn’t be much help. However, you’re home today so why waste some perfectly good suggestions on what to do to make the best of a snow day? YOU CAN: Work […]

I have read some awesome quotes from some pretty awesome leaders. Unfortunately, these are quotes that we read once that matriarch has left us and we’re left to ponder on their impact they donated to the world. Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa, humanitarian, and compassionate leader, passed away at the age of 95 […]

I know it’s a little early to be thinking about resolutions and last minute New Year changes with inner and outter selves, but maybe it’s a good idea to get started. Especially, if you’re concentrated on your career. Try these tips to help you get that promotion before the new year:   Make Sure You […]

There’s Thanksgiving Thursday, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday! Have you ever heard about Giving Tuesday? Yeah, it’s a new, unofficial holiday for charity. It’s when most Americans decide to give to their favorite charities through monetary donations, volunteering, rehabilitation efforts, etc. I have decided to give information about Giving Tuesday to those who knew nothing […]

As the world remembers the life of President John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated 50 years ago,  one of his most memorable speeches that stuck with me was his inauguration speech with popular sentence “ask not what your country could do for you, but ask what you could do for your country”. That speech got […]

My grandmother has been gone for over 13 years. She was the matriarch of my family and like most families, when the root of the tree dies, all the branches do too.  I miss my grandma so much and one thing I decided to do to remember her this coming Thanksgiving is to make one […]

Reading the December issue of Essence Magazine with actress Gabrielle Union on the cover, I was taken aback when I read a section in it that asked the question “what 10 things can you write down that make you happy?” In the article, Gabrielle could only write down “ground beef, real butter, and imitation crab […]

Hundreds of thousands of military vets are still on the battlefield, surviving the daily struggles of everyday stresses of  getting through another day in these United States. Was there (or is there) more security when you serve in the military verses being a civilian? For you to come home to mounds of bills piling up […]

Courtesy of Flickr.com, 2013 The March of Dimes and millions of families of premature babies need your help and support. November is a month that recognizes Prematurity Awareness! Do you have a friend, family member or associate who has a child that was born premature? Check out the stats: Every year, more than half a […]

As we prepare for Veteran’s Day, let’s take some time to show our military families our appreciation and support for the sacrifices they make for you and I to walk these streets safely. They answer the call and serve without complaining; regardless of the fact they’re missing a child’s  first tooth, first steps, high school […]

I have a friend who was a little down today and I knew something wasn’t right when I sent her a text to see how she was doing. Her response was short and usually that’s not the case. I followed my gut and called her. She was surprised because I hardly get on my phone […]

There’s nothing wrong with some good, juicy gossip about what Tinisha did last night at the club or when Richard came to work smelling like the top shelf of the bar! The thing is, you don’t realize that you’re adding to the stress at the workplace and you could get caught up in some dramatic […]