Exploring platonic male intimacy and the value of men learning how to address their emotions. See more inside.

Packing my lunch has saved me money over time and it has giving me a chance to cut down my fat intake. You will make better choices when you have to pack your lunch daily. You won’t eat as much junk during the week and you won’t waste money on the vendor machine in the […]

The average American has a unhealthy diet because we have been taught to eat boxed foods and foods that are over processed. The foods we eat can make us gain weight and also cause high blood pressure. Fried food is one of the worst things you can eat daily if you are trying to prevent […]

The way to lose weight is to make sure you eat right. Pushing yourself to the max isn’t enough to lose weight and get lean. You have to have a good workout plan along with good eating habits. Power lifting and circuit training can help you lean out and build a healthy heart. www.muscleandfitness.com If […]

Youi need to take your health seriously and make sure you eat to live a full life. The Alkaline water and foods will keep you feeling your best to perform at peak levels. The body can fight off Cancer with the right foods and water but you must be consistent with your lifestyle habits. Sign […]

The body needs to be balanced just like anything else on the planet. Your body needs the water and right foods to stay balanced and keep you healthy. You will feel better and understand how eating right will lead to less illness. www.mindbodygreen.com   #Representmenshealth Some health experts believe that our pH balance is extremely important, others say […]

The weather is changing and January is gone so most people will start to relax, and forget about the gym workouts and eating right. Here are some foods that will help you maintain or lose weight from eating right. Eating clean and healthy is the best way to maintain or lose weight. HEALTH IS THE […]

There’s a possibility that a family member may have had a mini stroke. He’s OK now, but just the thought of this person whom I love so dear, could have possibly had a mini-stroke, scares me! What do you do when you know someone is having a mini-stroke? What are some symptoms? Confusion Trouble speaking or understanding […]

We all want to live a longer life right?  According to webmd.com, researchers show women are outliving men.  Why is that?  More stress?  What ever the case is, there are ways the men population can change their habits and live a longer life.

Studies suggest that men just do not go to the doctor. Your health should never take a back seat. Check out this list of medical tests that all men should have.

Testicular cancer is becoming more and more common these days, know the signs to look out for! Check out this Mens Health feature video that let's you know the signs to look out for.

A new study has found that gum disease can raise the risk of cancer in men.