Women think that lifting weights will have them bulk up but it’s not true. The gym workout lifting weight will help you lose more weight faster than eating less carbs. The body will adjust to whatever we put it through eating right and lifting will help build your body up. www.blackdoctor.org When we break it […]

The body is a machine and it needs to be taking care of just like you value and take care of your car. You only get one body but can buy another car any day. You need to get plenty of sleep for muscle growth and you need to commit to regular workouts. Practice good […]

You need to build large muscle groups and small groups too. The small muscle groups help you stay balanced and help you prevent injury. Large muscle groups will help you lose weight and get stronger but your small muscle groups keep your body together. www.mensjournal.com 1. Rotator cuff Why it’s important: Deltoids the size of grapefruits […]

The basic workout is set with a foundation for you to learn and focus on technic. Some people run to the gym and start at a level that doesn’t work for them but they don’t know, so they get frustrated and stop working out to never return. The idea is to make your workout fun […]

The body is amazing and you need to understand your own body. Everybody is different so what works for me may not work for you. When you go to the gym or when you go workout you have to give your body the proper fuel, so pack on the protein and push. www.menshealth.com Join Us […]

I can only tell you what worked for me before I started going to the gym. My body weight was the only thing I lifted until I got my heart and body use to the workout. I didn’t want to push myself to hard because that will make you quit on your workout routine. When […]

The legs need to be worked out! Your legs get a small workout daily but your body will adjust to it so you don’t get the results from it. That’s why you have to push your legs to the max so you see the best results for your whole body. Source: Legs Follow Me On […]

The Rock was known for being one of the top Wrestlers in the game and know he is known for everything else. Like movies, Reality Shows, Fitness Guy and motivational speaker. He has put it all on the line and made it a success with staying focused on his fitness. Source: The Rock Workout Follow […]

The best way to workout is to be consistent and stay with your regular routine. Your body is your temple and should be treated with respect, so don’t slack on yourself. The body needs to stay is shape to help fight off illness, stress, and injury. There are a number of exercises you need to […]

The New Year will bring new thoughts and hopes, so start with taking care of YOU! Change up your routine and put your health and well being first. Life will be a whole lot better. You will feel and see the difference if you commit to a workout routine and eating right. Oh1 Drink plenty […]

The New Year has everybody thinking about their health and getting in better shape. You need to find out what works for you and not what works for your friends. We are all built differently so that means our approach should be different. Life is about being consistent and finding what works in your life. […]

There are all kinds of workouts that will help you build muscle but you have to willing to put in the work. The first rule with building new muscle is to get started. We put limits on ourselves and should not short change our bodies from transforming into something we can be proud of. Push […]