We have been told that some ailments are hereditary, but I know that many of them are from the foods we eat and the things we do or don’t do. Arthritis has no age limit because young and older, people get it. Eating a lot of fried foods can cause inflammation, which is one of […]

The body can do anything we need it to including protecting us from pain and illness. We just have to put the right stuff in our bodies. Some foods make your body sluggish an cause inflammation and that can cause major issues with your body. If you put junk in you get junk out! Eating […]

VIA: HealthyWomen.Org As a single, busy woman living in New York City, sick wasn’t a part of my vocabulary when I entered the last year of my 20s. Nonetheless, it soon found its way into my life. It began with a swollen toe joint, which I easily dismissed as a yoga injury. But when the […]

Are you concerned about the health of your bones as you age? Maybe the best way to treat those issues is to prevent them.