Ko Show Fitness

The human body needs to be fueled by the right foods but we don’t know what we don’t know. I will tell you right now that you can’t overeat sugar and remain in tip-top shape. Too much sugar will break the body down. Below you will find the info on how much sugar you should […]

Here are a few keys to working out....

You have to give yourself some body love and know that it will take time to transform your body. I didn’t build muscle or tone up over night. Think about it this way, because it will make your journey easier and you won’t get frustrated. You beat your body up over years of bad habits […]

We all don’t have time to run to the gym nor do we have equipment at home to use. I do most body weight workouts so I can workout anywhere I go. I try to make time for me everyday but it doesn’t always happen, so I can do small things at work and with […]

The water we drink is very important to us. If you party or drink on the weekends or during the week, you need to always have a glass or bottle of water with your mixed drinks. I believe that the body is a incredible machine but it needs the right fuel and water is it. […]

When you are out please make sure you know the place you are eating. I try to make sure I look around at the staff and restrooms. You can’t always tell by walking around how clean the business maybe in the kitchen. I was feeling really bad after eating some fried shrimp because I don’t […]

The mind is the playground for new ideas and growth. We have to push ourselves to new levels but it all starts in the mind. If you want something to change in your life or if you believe something. You have to see it in your mind first. You have to keep your Mind busy […]

The Mind, Body & Spirit is all connected so hopefully you realize we are all one people. The energy you put out will return to you at some point, so make sure you give out good energy and positive vibes. Life is made to be lived and enjoyed. I am grateful for every breathe and […]

I am one person that doesn’t take a multivitamin because I took one and my stomach hurt so bad that I knew immediately that something was wrong.  I started reading about the vitamins that people take and was truly in shock about the claims but I just share it because it’s up to you to […]

The insurance company may not want you to know that you can get paid for working out. Your insurance company can save money for you working out but you need to want to workout for your own health. Health is the new wealth so get your butt in the gym on outside to a play […]

You are your own ARCHITECT when it comes to your body and your life. You have to focus on what you really want when it comes to working out or hitting the gym. Life is a joy to live when you live it right. You have to give you the best of you everyday and […]

The bottom of your stomach is the hardest part of your belly to lose. It seems like fat will settle on the very bottom of your stomach no matter how hard you workout. i have a solution that might help you but you do have to work at it. Running for a long time isn’t […]