‪#‎NightCap‬.. What are your thoughts on the ‪#‎AltonSterling‬ situation? ‪#‎thezone‬ alwaysthere4 My big question is when cops are in training they are taught to bring down a person if they are running away like shooting them in the leg …. But when u have a black man on his back his hands up and a […]

With the rumors of Ciara adding documents to her defamation lawsuit against Future since worried about him killing her soon to be husband Russell Wilson, it has been an interesting day for that trio. Since the news has broke, Future seems to be very unbothered by the claims. Instead of addressing anything, he;s been posting […]

The Human Rights Campaign and accomplished director Ryan Murphy assembled a touching video that features 49 celebrities.

The NFL has run rampant with violence over the past few seasons and the latest victim is Zurlon Tipton.

Tip caught up with us after the show and opened up about everything from the Irving Plaza incident with Troy Ave, to his role in the Roots remake and his new beautiful baby girl.

Shortly after almost 50 lost their lives at a club in Orlando, this California pastor said he wished the killer would have "finished the job."

The shooter is still on the loose, authorities have not made any arrests and continue their investigation.