Marijuana legalization in Maryland could be on the ballots in November 2018, letting voters decided. The bill is being introduced this week in Annapolis and if passed, the state constitution would be amended to legalize marijuana. “The bill basically says ‘yes or no.’ That’s the question before voters on the issue of using, possessing and […]

Lol you have to watch this video of Drake on SNL.  Drizzy is impersonating Katt Williams and is spot on.  He is interviewed by “Nancy Grace” about weed legalization and you know Katt’s feelings about Weed.  Check it out. Connect with me on Twitter @tweetAcruz Instagram- tweetAcruz and subscribe to The D.A. TV and […]

There has been a major shift in the country and specifically in DC.  A recent poll shows that a majority of Dc residents now support the recreational use of Mary Jane.   The poll numbers came on the same day that a committee of DC lawmakers voted unanimously to begin to loosen DC marijuana laws […]

There was a story circulating on facebook with a link to the DAILY CURRANT, saying that 37 people in Colorado Overdosed on Weed.  The site also says that legalizing Marijuana was a big mistake and that the drug was deadly.  Well, if you click on the ABOUT section on the DAILY CURRANT website you will […]