You have to have your mind right when you start working out, so stay focused on your goal and your workout routines. Life is about choices and you have a choice to be in the best shape possible. Your Arms are used everyday for everthing you need to do. Source: Better Arms Follow Me On […]

You need to make sure you have a plan if you want to lose weight or if you want to be healthy. You need a balance when it comes to your fitness plan. Your meal prep is very important to your process and your gains or loses in the gym. We fall short on eating […]

The best way to burn fat is to eat more and drink plenty of water. You can burn more calories by eating right and you can cahnge your life by getting the right amount of sleep. Make sure you do it for yourself and get your routine down so you can have your mind right. […]

When I was just a young kid and didn’t know better. Doctors would tell my parents that our illness was hereditary and it was going to need a doctors treatment so my parents listened and excepted it. I always question anything I am told if it doesn’t make sense to me. I found out that […]

You want to lose weight and keep it off? You have to see yourself doing it and you have to be serious about the process. Losing weight is hard but you have to find a way to enjoy the journey because you need to find motivation that pushes you along the way. See the body […]

The daily routine of pushing things or pulling things to you never crosses your mind as a workout. You are really working different muscle groups when you open or close doors but you aren’t working them for growth. You have to workout now to prtect your body from injury later. Source: Push & Pull Workouts […]

The body is your temple so you have to protect it and take good care of it. The best workouts for me are the old school body weight workouts. You can see results and feel better in a short amount of time if you stay focused on your routines and don’t cheat yourself. Source: Best […]

You need to get more out of your workout on the weekend, so let’s change it up a little bit. Life is moving fast but you need to take time to enjoy yourself and stay in shape at the same time. You have to be committed to yourself and your workout will show results. Source: […]


Most people have had Jell-O or Gelatin at some point in there life. We don’t question the food we eat and I would like to inform you that you should. If you say you are Vegan or Vegetarian and you eat Jell-O or Gelatin than you don’t know what you are eating. Read the source […]

The best way to get Abs during the the Fall Season is to eat right and drink plenty of water. The weight is lost in the kitchen and not the gym. 80% of what you do outside of the gym helps you lose weight and keep it off. I have watched people get on track […]

We all want that workout body but most people can’t find the time to get in the gym. I want you to show yourself some love and take time for your health and fitness. You have to eat right and hit the gym or get outside and just be active doing something to burn some […]

Today it seems like more people are working out on a regular but most people don’t understand what fitness really is. Fitness is about over all health and focus because your mind needs to be clear and free of mess. I have to push myself to stay on task when it comes to over all […]