Dre’s #breakfastbite.. Governor O’Malley to propose $84 million in state budget cuts. How do you think it will affect you? #92qjams #BALTIMORE #MARYLAND #BMORE #Early #Wednesday Delores Millerbland We be short in something ‘s that important. Vonnie Fatz Long The Government cuts equal crime going up, more families losing what they worked hard […]

The final day of the fiscal year marks the elimination of 100 city positions and forced retirement

Analysts warn of income tax impact and tough times ahead.

The spending plan should be completed by Monday.

The latest proposal, cuts overall benefits and increases the years of service required to retire. The council is also looking into changing the cost of living raises and almost double the contribution rate, to 10% from six percent.

After being hit with a lawsuit from the police and firefighter unions, the City is scrambling to come up with another proposal to save pensions.

Retirees and elderly people organized in the City Council chambers Tuesday in an attempt to save senior programs from the city's budget cuts. This could eliminate their classes, lunches and outings.

Many city jobs and services are at risk of being eliminated due to budget constraints. Where is the line drawn on necessities and what is convenient?

When budget cuts are inevitable in the city, the idea of saving over $90 million on pensions may be a glare of hope but unions say changes would violate contract.