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You have been married or dated for years and one day things feel off and you leave. You may have kids, a mortgage or a lot of emotional history with this person. Is it ever too late to leave or should you just make it work because you have so much time and effort invested?

Here are some comments from Love Zone listeners via Facebook and Twitter. To join the nightly virtual Love Zone discussion visit for details.

Is it ever too late in a relationship to leave?

LaTreace – I don’t think it’s too late. Sometimes it just that time to move on, no matter how many years. People grow apart and it just doesn’t work anymore.


Darnell – Look, if you don’t want leave half of everything on the table when you go it may be too late and too costly to leave … real talk


Towanda -It never to late to leave any situation. Once a person is tired a person is torn. Who wants to be in an unstable, non trusting relationship?


Tyreeka – NO, it’s never too late when ur with someone u feel the Love, Respect & everything that comes with the married, relationship. But when u decide to have a Family that’s when everything Changes. U grow apart some stronger together, when u decide to leave after 40yrs, ur hurting urself and the Kid(s). They might not show it n front of u, u have to start all over again getting to know someone. Seeing if ur kids like them. Times r hard. U really have to Think about ur Life Changes B4 u Do It.


Tyreese – I feel u only do wat ur heart said and if god spoke to you. but it if true life or u and the other person define if the love is true to last forever. so it a yes or no type of question. but honestly only u can determine ur future if u want love or u tired of having a broken heart at times leaving can help u have peace if the relationship wasn’t meant to be. god bless.ladawn good question tonight.


Melinda – You would think not….but things happen and people fall out of love. I truly understand where he’s coming from cuz my parents have been 2gether for 42yrs. and I couldn’t imagine my parents splitting up. Me and siblings would probably have 2 talk 2 a therapist if they left each other.




T. Grace – I believe it’s never too late to leave. Am currently in the process of leaving a 11 yr marriage. I use to think that if you together that long why leave now. But everyone situation is different. If you tried in tried in the relationship is a repeat off all things over in over then things will not change it best to part ways. Why stay in unhappy situation for sake of kids, or for what ever reason. No use wasting each others time. It’s just not healthy.


Kim – Apparently there is no time frame for love. I am going thru the same situation with my parents. It is rough on me because the always put me in the middle. It stresses you out to deal with all the responsibilities of you & a parent. Love slips away for some people its up to them 2 keep it alive & going. Break-ups of couples that have been together 4 a long time are happening to frequently.