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Did you know that weather can really affect your mood? According to an article on, research shows that weather does affect the moods of most people:


I don’t think I’ve ever been in a good mood when it was cloudy, gloomy, snowing or raining outside. I could be broke, cramping, and experiencing a bad hair day and if the sun is shining, you wouldn’t even know it!

How can you turn around a bad day, especially if you’re at work:

Try “rebooting.” If possible, walk away from your desk, workstation, or whatever you were working on. Take a short walk, shut yourself in the bathroom, or just sit outside for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths and determine not to let whatever has happened so far make the rest of your day bad.

Listen to some music. Whether the songs are uplifting and cheerful or melancholy and bluesy is up to you. Some bad days are turned around by hearing something that makes you tap your feet or whistle along, while other bad days simply require a sad song to help you feel as though someone out there understands your trials.

Choose one thing to concentrate on instead of ten things. If you are having a bad day at work and feeling overwhelmed, choose one thing waiting to be completed and follow it through to completion. It’s best to start with something smaller that you can actually finish that day. Once you have done this, you will feel as though you have a better grip on things and your day won’t seem as bad.


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