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Final exams, court hearings, job interviews, job evaluations, budget cuts, personal issues, finding out you’re pregnant, pleasing your parents or spouse, being perfect parent. Those are just a few things that can bring on an enormous amount of stress. Can I say that women carry the majority of stress than men? I’m no expert but I can say we (women) handle it alot differently. Men play basketball. Women eat gallons of ice cream and listen to gospel music to get rid of stress.

I just found out that April is National Stress Awareness Month. You may not even know you’re stressed until you feel that slight pinch in your chest or pass out from exhaustion.

Regardless the type of stress, you’ll need to pick up a few stress relieving tips to stop you from visiting your local emergency department. A good friend of mine sent me some information through a personal newsletter explaining some stress related symptoms and scenarios that may be compared to what you’re experiencing. She’s not a doctor, so please consult with your physicianif you’re feeling any of these symptoms:

“For several months, you have had consistent headaches, joint pain and back pain and yet still no physical cause can be found by the doctor. If this describes you, then you may be experiencing a condition known as Somatization Disorder. Somatization Disorder occurs when a person has physical symptoms involving more than one part of the body, but no physical cause can be found.

Some of the symptoms that can occur with Somatization Disorder include abdominal pain, back pain, chest pain, dizziness, headaches, joint pain and shortness of breath. The most common explanation is that the symptoms of Somatization Disorder represent the body’s own defense against psychological stress. The mind has a finite capacity to cope with stress; therefore, increasing stress beyond a certain point is experienced as physical symptoms. The disorder occurs more often in women than men.

Some healthy ways to relax and recharge include exercising, journaling, long baths, massages, music, reading and vacationing. For people diagnosed with Somatization Disorder, having a supportive relationship with a health care provider is the most important part of treatment. Talk therapy as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy have also proven to be effective. If you believe that you may have Somatization Disorder, the first step is to contact your health care provider and discuss your options. After that, continue to schedule regular appointments with them to review your symptoms and how you are coping.”

Neijma Celestine-Donnor, LCSW-C


More tips: 


Engage in Physical Activity

Pamper Yourself




More tips on relieving stress: 

How To Keep It Together! Alleviating Stress! (Tips)

Friday AKA “STRESS DAY” (Tips)

Being Stress Free



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