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Its’ not easy watching everyone take their mother’s out to brunch, lunch or dinner to celebrate Mother’s Day. I know how painful it is because I see my parents and friends who lost their mothers go through their sadness when this holiday approaches.

I found some things that may help you get through:

For those who have lost their mothers, this day holds a pain that is almost unbearable.  When you lose your mother, you lose the person who loves you the most unconditionally in this world.  There is a tremendous loss in your heart and that is the only way I can describe it.  Please hug those around you who have lost their Mother!  A warm, loving hug can help heal their heart today.

SOURCE (from a blog that I found that may help you cope)


If you have a friend who lost a mother, here are some tips that may help them and help you too:

Listen to your friend. Allow your friend to vent his emotions without judgment. While he might demonstrate sadness, your friend may also feel angry, relieved, hurt or abandoned. Let your friend talk to you and express his feelings without fear of repercussion.

Sit with your friend if he isn’t ready to talk yet. Your friend might not want to talk about his feelings or his mother, but may find your presence a comfort. Offer to sit with your friend, even in the silence, just to be with him. You can even go on a silent drive or a walk if your friend wants to get out of the house. Don’t pressure him to speak before he is ready.

Offer to help your friend with practical errands. Perhaps she’s too overwhelmed dealing with funeral plans or her mother’s estate to clean her home, so help your friend with laundry, grocery shopping or driving her kids to school. If possible, ask nearby neighbors or other close friends to drop off a meal.


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