Amber Rose had a little jet ski accident in Miami this week!

Amber Rose hosted a booty poppin' contest(no she didn't participate).

Did Kanye leave Amber for Shay?

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The Urban Daily has set out to predict the future. These celebs are showing signs right now of scandals that are destined to eventually occur.

Amber Rose got her shop on in Los Anegeles.

It's looking like Amber Rose has her eyes set on another one of our favorite black men!

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These female celebrities are beautiful and all, but what else are they known for?

The 2010 ESPY Awards went down last night and A-list celebs and athletes all came out on the red carpet!

Amber Rose covers Hip Hop Weekly

We should be used to Amber Rose and Kanye West engaging in some freaky ish by now but this has gone too damn far…

Amber Rose is vacationing in Miami and snapped these photos while having fun.

While the anticipation still builds for his new album, Kanye fans haven’t had much to whet their appetites aside from the song “Power.”