Ko Show Fitness

The heart is your engine to the body and we don’t give it the love we should. A healthy heart means a healthy life. If your heart stop that means you stop. Heart valve disease comes from a number of things like, being over weight, iabetes, high blood pressure. Find out the best way to protect […]

Today I have a few different workouts that will eliminate fat fast. You need to know your body but you also need to be ready to workout. Most people want to lose weight but don’t have time to start! These full body workouts will change your life and transform your body right before your eyes. […]

The bloated belly could be the reason some people wear over sized shirts. The food you eat can be the reason for bloating or not drinking enough water. Bad eating habits and eating sugar will destroy your abs and have them tuck away under some fat. Start with drinking more water and eating better. Source: […]

The body holds on to fat because the body needs fat to live. All fat isn’t bad fat! The unwanted fat on your body can be eliminated within a few weeks but you have to work at it. Your eating habits need to change and your workout has to be consistent to see the difference. […]

The body needs more than my workouts and exercise to remain healthy. Today I need you to understand that workouts and healthy eating go hand an hand.  Your body needs fuel to get your daily routines done but more importantly your body needs the nutrients to build a healthy body. Eat right and live longer! […]

You need to build and balance your workouts so you build strength and muscle evenly. Some people go to the gym and just do arm curls or bench press. You have to work the small muscle & large muscle groups for balance. You will feel and see the difference so just commit to your workout […]

The body is a incredible machine and you can change the direction of your physique by working on it. Hard work is the best solution for a fit body. I know it’s something you have to try to get use to but you have to start in order to finish. The workout routine that UFC […]

The best Ab workouts that will have your Abs poppin. You have to make sure your eating habits are on point, because 80% of your diet is more important. Your workout or fitness program is a must and you do need to be consistent with your plan  to get your Abs right. Source: Skinnyms.com Sign […]

The body needs to be physically fit and respected because you have to feel good about yourself and your workout. Stay focused and don’t cheat yourself out of a healthier life. A full body workout will help you shred fat faster than the average gym goer. I have a few examples for you below. Source: […]

The biggest problem with getting in shape is nobody wants to work for it! We all hope and pray that it’s a easier way to get in shape or change our body. It took you years to beat your body up so it will some time to change your body back to it’s healthy state. […]

The Heart is the bodies life source because it pumps blood throughout the body all day without you even thinking about it. Life is precious and if we don’t take care of our Heart it can lead to death. Did you know your Heart beats over 100,000 times a day and pumps 2,000 Gallons of […]

The weight lose game is serious but so many people are making money off of it. I want you to be serious about your health and lose weight the right way. You have to feed your body and make sure you drink plenty of water. I have a system that works for me and will […]