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What do you get when you got <strong>T-Pain, Kelson The Urban Informer, and 92Q's co-host of Rap Attack, DJ Showtime</strong>? A GREAT interview! We talked about RevolveR, he calls outs folks for using auto-tune, being sued, his Freaknik cartoons, and much more!


<strong> Bossman</strong> is giving you a chance to download his new mixtape, Block Work, for FREE!

I'm broadcasting live at the Renaissance Harborplace Hotel. Click here to see why!

Porkchop tries to do the Jerk and talks about other random topics. <!--more-->


Start your Good Friday off right, with a FREE cup of GOOD Coffee!

Baltimore Mayor proposes to close more city recreations centers to save money. What will your children do to keep busy and safe afterschool and during the Summer months?

Homicide is the leading cause of death among Baltimore residents ages 15-34. How will YOU make a difference and decrease the youth violence?

What you gonna do now? A MUST READ!!! U can go to espn.com if it doesn't pop up!

<strong>Maryland</strong> loses at the END with Buzzer Beater!!!

Joke of the Day!<!--more-->

Here's ACE on the Hooligan Express Pick Up!! <!--more-->