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God or Money

Source: Brian McClister / Getty


This has to be the officially the most getting it togetherest post EVER!! We just got word that a church has fined a single mother $1,000 for NOT paying her tithes.  On time.  As we scour the internet to see who living FOUL, we found this to be the lowest.  Some deacons at a church in Florida has officially TRIED IT.  Which comes as a surprise, because we were all under the impression that tithes are not mandatory.  Not only did the single mother by the name of Candace Patterson receive a notice about delinquent tithes, the church also wants her to pay and extra assessment of $5 for each child monthly.  This is extortion at it’s finest.  It is not only fair, if we were her, that church would not be visited anymore.  This is how things go too far, and it runs people away from the house of the Lord.  What you think?  Read the FULL story as being reported by Sandra Rose.  CLICK HERE!!
