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I promised my son, who started 10th grade today, that I will be the parent he needs me to be, in order to help him stay focused and encouraged to stay on the right path towards a successful school year. That means, making him breakfast, doing homework with him, sharing school stories (I’m in school too) or doing whatever is needed to keep him excited about being in high school. The first week is usually the euphoria stage for back-to-school; then it dies down after a few days!

So what will YOU do to help keep YOUR kids focused and on track this new school season?

Try these tips:

Normal Attention Span

Kids usually have an attention span of three to five minutes per year of age, according to the University of Colorado at Boulder. For example, a six-year-old should be able to concentrate for 18 to 30 minutes. Watching television isn’t an effective measure of focus; instead, measure kids while they read, play games or do schoolwork.

Healthy Routine

Building a healthy, stable routine helps kids focus and stay healthy. For example, make sure kids eat a nutritious breakfast and get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Kids should do their homework every day at the same location, such as at the kitchen table. Keep your home quiet and calm, and try to have meals, chores, naps and exercise at the same times every day.


Reward Systems

Reward systems help children stay focused and practice positive behaviors. For example, create a chart that provides stars or stickers when children achieve positive behaviors. You can also reward children with a later bedtime, by reading them a favorite story, allowing an extra half hour of television time, playing a favorite game or giving a small gift. Don’t give food as a reward.


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