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Mitt Romney wins the Maryland primary for GOP nomination!

Dre’s #breakfast bite.. Can Romney beat President Obama in November?

Gerald Griffin Nopeabout.

Julie Boyd Heck no!!!!!

Scott K. Ashford Not a chance.

Eryn Brown Not a chance, no matter how much they try to knock him down he will take this like a champ and be victorious. Team Obama!!

Kevin Boardley no because mitt romney is a clown im for obomba in november and mitt romneyabout.

Andrea Onmygrind Jarmon Hell to the no n my Whitney voiceabout.

Riversallovame Pennix Lolololol cant None of their goons beat Mr. President, that´s why they tried soooooooo hard to find another black to run against him.

“@LOLAvsNecole: “@DreJohnson1: Dre’s #breakfast bite @92QJamsBmore”<<his 1st name is Mitt! What is a Mitt? No chance!”

“@naim2886: @DreJohnson1 it depends if we use a ninja mentality yes people gota realize the rep party blocked every advance obama tried”

“@tweetAcruz: @DreJohnson1 anything is possible especially if ppl aren't educating themselves and really following politics.”

“@HrmLssFlirt: @DreJohnson1 I think Obama may still have a one up on Mitt.

“@Dawkness00: @DreJohnson1 @92QJamsBmore he will if we don't get back out there and vote”

“@DJ_LemonAAde: @DreJohnson1 @92QJamsBmore …Yup. only if they assassinate every democrat that comes out to”

“@83CONWAY: @DreJohnson1 lol you know that should not even be a question, Obama will smash him in the polls”

“@Semaj_bka_James: @DreJohnson1 @92qjamsbmore Naw because he look like he install toilets.”