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Diving back into the dating scene (head first)? Feeling alittle nervous to get back in  the game because you got loads of BAGGAGE? Here are a few tips that I found online that just may be of some help to you!

1. Do not date if you are not over your ex. It may feel like the best thing to do is jump back into the saddle after a break up but if you haven’t given yourself time to get over it, you are likely to end up sabotaging your dates. It is also likely that the emotions that are still attached to your ex will create drama in itself. Never date until you have reduced your baggage to hand luggage.

2. Do not date if you’re already involved with someone. This is a surefire way to create unnecessary drama. Either you are greedyor just plain foolish but should the person you are already involved with find out, you’ll ll look like a b*tch no matter what your reasons.

3. If he comes with excess baggage that involve a wife or girlfriend, tell him to get lost. Or tell him to come back when he’s rid of them. Nuff said.