Imagine being in this hotel….chillin….then going down stairs …..and losing all your money! Damn shame right? But at least your room looks good LOL. If you love casinos watch this video on the Top 10 best casinos. Then save up your blackjack money and get ta going.

Man, I can’t wait to take my wife to Vegas for her birthday this week. Gotta fun filled weekend that includes Circus du Soleil, seeing Jay-Z, and hitting the casino! Guess i’ll try my luck to see if i can Bring home a jackpot of 2 LOL. What you say…you don’t know how to play […]


The family of Henry Rosario Martinez, 31, of Barceloneta, Puerto Rico, held a wake recently that allowed the man who died on Jan. 19 to do what he loved most: play poker one last time, according to the New York Daily News.