Plus, The Game launches new program to help mothers in need, author and activist Nikki Giovanni says Nina Simone would have joined Black Lives Matter, and more news.

The Garner family is fighting to make it known that Black Lives STILL Matter

Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James spoke out about racial profiling and police violence.

The conspiracy theories have already started to fly on social media as racial tensions rise over the deaths of two unarmed Black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, followed by the deadly ambush of five Dallas, Texas police officers, who were allegedly shot by a lone Black man. The loss of life on both sides […]

Tyrese recently cited the #BlackLivesMatter movement as a reason for a truce between him and ex-wife Norma.

Entertainment Report

Almost a week after the tragic events that took place in Dallas and claimed the lives of five police officers, a memorial service was held today to formally lay them rest and attended by President Obama. The President gave a moving speech about the fallen officers and also the state of violence and guns in […]

Lil Webbie just joined the Black Lives Matter movement in a pretty trill way.

The letter written by a group of unidentified students goes on to say many felt affected by the professor's, "Black Lives Matter," shirt and that it "alienates and isolates all non-black groups."