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Charleston White

Source: @charlestonwhiteclips / Instagram

We wish to issue a trigger warning to all reading this story as it contains disturbing details. Charleston White, the controversial gun-toting YouTube star, found himself trending recently after an old video resurfaced of him essentially admitting to committing rape.

Charleston White gained massive popularity on the backs of his attacks on Hip-Hop acts, violence within that community, and a recent skirmish with Soulja Boy that involved mace. White, who also fashions himself as a pro-gun advocate, gained big views online due to this no-holds-barred tough talk and propensity to wish for the death of rappers.

In the grainy cellphone video reshared by Twitter account @streetmediatv, White is seen sitting in a car with a hat on and the video certainly appears older as White is sporting a curly ponytail. In the video, which we could only stomach to watch once for the purpose of this report, White says, and we paraphrase, “every woman deserves a good raping.”

Apparently, this isn’t the first time White has admitted to rape on camera but it hasn’t seemed to slow down his meteoric rise to fame. In fact, White’s fandom seems to be Black men of the so-called “free thinker” ilk or extremely right-of-center due to frustrations with the political and economic landscape.

The so-called “manosphere” types also hitch themselves onto White’s blistering commentary, snatching periodic soundbites of faux magnitude to promote. Further, there are some who believe White to be some sort of hood savior coming to rescue the blighted and broken-down by way of his extreme and violent rhetoric. A quick search on YouTube will lead many down a deep and dark road of White’s stances.

On Twitter, the reaction to Charleston White being a vocal creep cropped up in kind but nearly not as much as it should. We’ve got what reactions we could find listed out below.

Photo: Screencap

The post Self-Shooter Charleston White Admits To Rape In Disturbing Resurfaced Video appeared first on The Latest Hip-Hop News, Music and Media | Hip-Hop Wired.

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