Ko Show Fitness

You need to make sure you take care of yourself so you can be the best version of yourself.  Your mental is more important than your physical health. Your mind controls your over all body. We only have to make sure we maintain our mental health for a productive life. Just my opinion. Source: Mental […]

Most people go to workout with a plan but if they get tired they don’t push through that urge to take a day off. I don’t think about how tired I am when I get to the gym, so it’s not real hard for me to push myself. You have to hold your goals in […]

Your eating habits will change your life in a good way or a bad way so make sure you pay attention to what you eat. Your life depends on what you put in your body! Once you have good eating habits, you will see and feel your body changing. eat foods that are alive. Source: […]

If you have knee pain then you need to check this out. I use to have knee pain until I started working out and doing Lunges. I realized that I needed to push my knee workouts to another level because they were helping me. Source: Stop Knee Pain Follow Me On Instagram NOW @Konan92Q Sign […]

The best way to slim down is to eat clean and eat every two hours. You don’t lose weight in the gym! Your weight is lost in the kitchen so plan your meals for the week and stay focused on your goals. There are foods you can eat to help you lose weight. Source: Lose […]

Remember that water is the most important part of your workout. Ladies and fellas want killer Abs but don’t put the work in and eat really bad. You must be focused and have clean eating habits. Burn the fat from your mid-section for a longer life! Source: Abs Follow Me On Instagram NOW @Konan92Q Sign […]

The Multivitamin has been pushed to us since we were kids and mom/dad would give us that Flintstone or One A Day. We never questioned it because they were only doing what they were taught, so you can’t blame them. With the internet and reseach we can now double check what we have been told. […]

There are three parts to the Butt! Medius, Maximus, Minimus are the sections of your booty that you need to focus on when you in the gym. This is for men and women to learn what needs to be done when you head to the gym today. Make sure you make it count! Source: Butt Workouts […]

The best thing for your full boddy workout is to start with legs first. Guys that work legs first will get a increase of testosterone so they can power through the rest of their workout. Push your limits during your workouts. Source: Full Body Workout Follow Me On Instagram NOW @Konan92Q Sign Up For Our […]

You need to wake up feeling refreshed and make sure you start your day on the right track. That means you should stretch in the morning before you start your day.  This will help with flexiblity and give you more energy. It will also help you with your aches and pains. Source: Morning Stretch Follow […]

Vitamins and Supplements have been push to us since we were little kids but our parents never knew the dangers of some vitamins and supplements. We have to make sure we have the best vitamins that our body needs. You have to live for better life! Source: Vitamins & Supplements MUST READ THIS ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS […]

What color should your pee be? You must drink plenty of water but make sure you take time and look at your pee before you flush in down. Your health depends on how you treat your body, so eat right and drink water. Source: Pee Color Sign Up For Our Newsletter!