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Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

Previously on Power Book II: Ghost, Tariq desperately tries to get his life back on track without snitching. This week, we witness the destruction of the Tejada family and the loss of a character in one of the show’s best episodes. Let’s break down episode 208, “Drug Related.”

Ghost Is Still Terrorizing Riq From The Seventh Circle of Hell

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

The episode opens up with Riq back on trial and opening arguments being presented after he turned down the plea deal because he refused to snitch on Cane out of fear of what could happen to his family if he did. Jenny, the prosecutor, carefully paints a picture of a privileged young Black man with a propensity for murder. In contrast, Riq’s attorney, MacLean, paints his client as a misunderstood youth with a lot on his plate following his father’s death.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

The trial again hits a snag when Jenny brings up that she has audio of Riq explaining his motive for killing Professor Jabari. MacLean quickly objects and convinces the judge that the prosecution must turn over the tape, and their witness (Lauren) will have no choice but to testify now. Before the two lawyers walk away from the bench, the judge clarifies that only MacLean and his team can hear the tape. Riq is not allowed to listen to it.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

After what could be assumed as the first day of trial, the St. Patrick’s family attorney, Daniel Warren, pops up on Riq, and you know when he makes an appearance, it’s bad news for Riq. Warren informs Riq that a family adopted Yasmine, and her last name was changed, her adoption records were also sealed, so Riq can’t see them. Warren reveals this was all set up by his Ghost before he perished if someone brought the family down, aka Riq ending up in jail.

After speaking with Warren, Riq catches up with MacLean and tries to figure out who recorded him. Riq tells his attorney he has no idea who. MacLean tells Riq that this does look bad for Riq and also points out that he still hasn’t been paid, and if he doesn’t come up with the cash, he will hand Riq’s case over to a public defender.

Jenny is also breaking the bad news to her potential witness Lauren. Lauren has to testify after the judge’s decision, but she doesn’t want to.

The Re-Up

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

While Riq is currently trying to keep his a** out of jail, Effie and Brayden are overseeing Course Correct and making sure it’s still up and running. After meeting with one of Brayden’s drug plugs, Effie is not buying what the caucasian drug dealer is selling after sampling his stepped-on coke. She quickly dismisses him, leaving them without any product to sell to their starving customers and leaving tons of orders pending.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

Effie and Brayden break the bad news to Riq. The timing of this couldn’t be any worse. Riq was counting on the money so he could pay Davis. After a brainstorming session with Effie and Brayden, Riq suggests getting back in bed with the Tejada’s. Speaking of the Tejada family, they too are knee-deep in sh*t and need cash to pay Davis. Cane and Monet’s conversation is interrupted by a phone call from Riq. Cane is not happy to see Riq’s name pop up on his mother’s phone. Monet doesn’t really care for Riq either, but she needs his business and the money and takes the call.

Riq, Brayden, and Effie link up with Monet and Cane to devise a plan to rob their connect, aka Mecca. The goal is to use the GTG to pull off the heist. Cane goes back home to recruit Dru. Initially, Dru is not down with the plan, but Cane convinces Dru to get involved by allowing him to get his revenge on Lil Guap for the club fiasco from season one. The intricate plan will also require Monet to keep her husband Lorenzo busy, so she decides to go to Coney Island with him while the plan is being executed. Meanwhile, Riq lures Diana out of the house by asking her if she could come to this trial on that day, and, of course, she agrees.

The faithful day arrives, and everything is going as planned, Monet has Lorenzo distracted, and Riq has Diana occupied. Brayden, Effie, Dru, and Lil Guap pull up Mecca’s penthouse while the GTG crew hit the warehouse. They use Brayden’s white privilege to start the plan by complaining about a power outage.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

Once Brayden gets the front door receptionist to leave, Effie walks in and gets the one security distracted, cuts the power, grabs her keys, and locks her in a room. Mecca, Dante, and Cane are in the penthouse reacting to the blackout in the building, and then Meea gets a call from the warehouse being under attack.

Dante grabs a piece and tells Cane to follow him and Chef to the warehouse. Before they leave, Cane makes sure to leave the door unlocked for Dru.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

While Cane, Mecca, and Chef head to the warehouse, Dru and Lil Guap make their way to the penthouse. Dru pulls out a gun on their journey up and attempts to snuff out Lil Guap, but that goes south because Dur takes too damn long to pull the trigger. A small fight ensues, with Dru eventually getting the upper hand and strangling Lil Guap to get his revenge. Dru finally makes it to the penthouse and finds Mecca’s stash with the ring he planned on giving Monet to make up for their big blowup. Before Dru can leave, Chef comes back in to get some more weapons. Dru quickly calls Cane to tell him the situation, and Cane races back to the penthouse. Cane manages to get Chef to leave before he spots Dru hiding in one of the many weapons rooms, and Dru leaves with the stash and the ring.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Stars / Power Book II: Ghost

Cane and Chef head back to the warehouse, and Mecca is pretty upset that he’s been robbed. Mecca already feels like this was an inside job and indicates he knows who it is, and Cane gets nervous immediately. Mecca has a knife in his hand and, out of nowhere, cuts Chef’s throat labeling him the mole, much to the surprise and at the same time relief of Cane. Despite a few close calls, their plan was successful, but little does Cane know his family is about to crumble.

Riq Is Just Like His Daddy In This Sense

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

Riq meets up with MacLean to talk about the audio recording. His high-priced attorney explains to him there is no way he can allow him to listen to the recording without ruining his firm’s reputation. BUT, that doesn’t mean Riq can’t sneak and listen to it on his own, and Davis gives him that opportunity by conveniently stepping out and leaving the laptop with audio recording open.

Riq quickly catches on to Davis’s plan, listens to the recording, and is stunned to learn that Lauren recorded him. Upset, Riq heads out of Davis’ office and bumps into Saxe, who quickly figures out that he heard the recording. Saxe inadvertently reveals to Riq that Professor Milgram convinced Lauren to wear the wire and warns Riq to stay away from both of them. Riq quickly points out that’s something he can’t do because he has class with both of them the next morning. Saxe also runs his gums to Jenny during a failed smash session, indirectly confirming that Riq heard the tape, giving Jenny enough reason to be concerned for Lauren’s safety.

Riq notices Lauren is not there in class, but Professor Milgram is. Her lesson gets interrupted by a phone call from Jenny trying to warn her about Riq knowing about the recording. Professor Milgram also noticed Lauren was not in class as well as Riq and bounced in the middle of the lesson.

Milgram heads to Lauren’s dorm room only to discover Riq in there waiting for her. Using the same manipulation tactics his father did so masterfully, Riq convinces Milgram that she was in the wrong and that she should testify in place of Lauren if she wants to keep her safe. Little does Milgram know this is all a part of his plan cause he knows MacLean is going to eat her for breakfast when she takes the stand.

That was indeed the case. MacLean manages to make Milgram look crazy by getting her to admit to her sexual relationships with Professor Jabari, the lead investigator on the case, himself, and even Zeke. Milgram knows she just got herself fired, and MacLean knows as much, telling her she better get her resume together.

Diana Chose Violence

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

Diana is tired of being bullied by her mother and has reached her boiling point and let the chopper spray. Mother and daughter clearly don’t trust each other anymore. They both snooped around each other’s bedrooms finding interesting things. Diana finds a picture of baby Zeke hidden in a bible stashed inside a shoebox and some questionable dates regarding his birth year.

Monet finds one of her daughter’s handbags are full of condoms, indicating that Diana is having sex with Riq even though she told her to stay away from him.

Things got tense during a family dinner when everyone tried to put the spotlight on Diana when she lied about going to Zeke’s basketball game. Diana took that moment and started snitching on everyone. She revealed Cane messed up the family’s supply when he swapped out stolen coke with sugar so he could become the connect. Cane then snitches on Dru, telling Lorenzo his most trusted son didn’t kill Everett as instructed. Zeke is triggered at the revelation that Dru was supposed to snuff out his teammate and attempts to leave, but Monet tells him to stop. Diana then reveals that Monet was using Zeke as her out of the drug game, and Monet responds by pointing out Diana has been sneaking out to have sex with Riq.

That was the final straw for Diana, who dropped the bomb that Monet messed around with another man (Dante) and that Zeke is her son. Diana slams Zeke’s birth certificate like a UNO Wild Draw 4 card, telling her stepbrother that he’s not 19. He’s 23, making him ineligible for the draft, which sends Zeke storming out of the house. Meanwhile, Monet is trying to put hands and feet on her Diana, and honestly, this is the best acting Mary J. Blige has done in this show since it started.

Power Book II: Ghost

Source: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

At home, Milgram is deep in her thoughts after her poor showing on the witness stand and gets that dreaded call from the dean telling her she needs to come in early the next day so they can discuss the accusations about her. So, basically, she is about to get canned. Monet shows up looking for Zeke, but he hasn’t shown up there. Milgram tells Monet that she has basically lost everything, and Monet responds by telling her that if Zeke comes back to her, she will lose her son.

The thought of that doesn’t sit right with her, so instead of facing that challenge, she decides to hang herself, and her body is found by poor Zeke, who came to confide in Milgram after finding out the most shocking news ever that we are about to touch on. Now we don’t know if Monet had a hand in this but we’re going to assume the Professor killed herself in the weight of all the stress brought onto her due to her sex addiction.

Damn, this wasn’t even the penultimate episode or season finale. We can’t wait to see what happens next week.

Photo: Starz / Power Book II: Ghost

‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Recap: Diana Chooses Violence, Reads Monet For Filth At The Dinner Table  was originally published on