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The Governor blames spike in the city’s violent crime rate on declining arrest numbers. The Mayor  promises  the city will not return to the zero tolerance policy which O’Malley put in place  when he was mayor.

Dre’s #breakfastbite.. Is zero tolerance the way to end Baltimore’s spike in violent? #92qjams #baltimore #MARYLAND #bmore #thursday

Isaac Stalk Unfortunately it just might be the right thing. However, to balance it out, the police should be held under a microscope for everything that they do which violates anyone’s civil rights. The major issue is that the criminal knuckleheads have “zero” res…See More

Jeremiah Warren yes and no Dre to be honest man you have to invest in the people

Tykaiya Mylife Banks I feel zero tolerance should go for everyone because in some cases the police be wrong too. The court system is really to blame because bcpd locks them up they let them right back out

Toria Hill Falling crime rates AND arrests are bad for business at prisons, and the companies that own them require them to be filled near capacity to maintain their profit margin…………..#WhatsReallyGoingON

Dani- Renee‏@danilovinmylocs @DreJohnson1 all of these quick fixes are working. Start when the kids r young and programs is the only way to change things.

mrscookie73 @drejohnson1 Gm., yes & stop letting these repeat offenders off!!!

the_zulu_digital Yo the kids out here now in days don’t have no guidance in life

darknight241 Yes that and the 3 strike rule and the death penalty

long_live_vito It’s a good attempt, but the individuals that are violent criminals. Could care less about this act/law, and we all know that. Sad to say, but someone has too, maybe they’ll finally take the wool from they faces, come out of their guarded palaces and see how it is at the bottom of that hill they do not travel too… @drejohnson1

flytonefly no what happened the last time they did zero tolerance ….I was arrested a bunch of useless arrests

ravensdfens Before we talk about laws and new policies implemented at the expense of tax dollars we need parents to teach morals and values ..there is no respect for human life nowdays..ijs this world is just ratchet

eman3275 I do not accept while a cop is locking someone up for petty crimes like hacking , selling CDs or literally and around the corner somebody could be getting robbed shot or killed is a waste of time

mrl3wiswif3 @drejohnson1 ZERO TOLERANCE because obviously they don’t understand…. It’s sad we have to come to this

ashleybrewton Cops should be doing their jobs forreal they are so lazy that it makes me sick. They then go after the wrong people. Did I mention kill innocent people!!! @drejohnson1 @drejohnson1 @drejohnson1

tykaiya82 Zero tolerance is cool as long as it for the citizens and the police It’s not just the ppl of Baltimore it’s our police too

mr_fts @drejohnson1 really my dude not a big fan of his but i would like to see Ed Norris come back #ijs

nodramaclint83 @drejohnson1 #breakfastbite zero tolerance does that mean they had tolerance before smh system crazy!

daveth3king Honestly, nothing we can do will stop the violence. Sad, but true.