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Question: Who’s your favorite NBA player and why?

  1. @SideEYE PrettyGalsofBmore:@DreJohnson1 @92qjamsbmore Imma go with Kevin Durant and Dwight Howard.
  2. “@10tiffany04: @DreJohnson1 @92QJamsBmore GM!!! Fav player is D. Wade!!!! *bleep* Kobe!!
  3. “@FREAKY_SHARD: @DreJohnson1 Derrick Rose best point in league but the Heat is going to win it all”
  4. Eryn Brown Aaaww man I don’t have a NBA player,however I got many NFL player!!! Good morning Dre!!!
  5. Kevin Boardley john wall and kobe brayant and derrick rose because they help.there team when need.
  6. Jermaine Townes Rondo……. triple double
  7. @MasonMiAmor Hi MaSoN’s MoM: @drejohnson1 I have to many too name but I think most of the popular names all hve something different they bring to the game.
  8. “@eddiehollywood: @92QJamsBmore @DreJohnson1 don’t care about basketball, Ravens and the NFL is king!!!”