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Tuesday’s show focused on the celebs who ride the fence with their sexuality and appear to only do so to be more popular or to line their pockets. If being gay would make you more successful or wealthy, would you do it? Check out some Facebook and Twitter responses.



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Would you go gay for pay?




heck yeah!!! I’ve always wanted to try somethin new once anyway. Might as well get paid for my curiosity lol


i’m bi sexual so i think that ppl doin stuff like that make the gay community look bad like they would do anything for publicity or for attention


i would say No. if u cant make it without adding that label to ur name its time to step ur game up. Whether its lyrically or acting. but if ur acting and ur getting paid 4 it n ur comfortable do it! U wanna b able to relate to a celeb that u admire, not feel like they r frontin jus 4 more exposure!


all of these artist r hustlers. their objective is to get their product out to the masses. what i dont understand is everyones big hangup on being real? aint none of them real. they all lie; they create charaters that they believe u all will like. nothing more. its 2010 an playing both sides of the fence will bang out that bank account.
it depends on how mch $ were talkin nd if it was 4 a short time,but overall gay 4 pay?HELL YEH,that’s easy money right there!
I got a friend that does that now but it is sort of the reversal. She fronts like she is straight but she is leaning heavy towards girls. she just doesn’t want ppl 2 know, so she pretends with guys in an attempt 2 fit in. Nicki minaj does the same in the opposite cuz being bi is cool now
People will do & say anything for attention. You are who you are & you should stay true to that. Its really nobodys business bout your sexuality.
Nicki is more like straight 4 pay! lol, as far as her lyrical content nd mc persona..follown n the footsteps of the foxy brown lil kim..super fem but I rhyme filthy like the boys archetype. She appears bisexual, but has said PLENTY of times that she doesnt date dudes..the question I always have as a gay woman is how many female mcs are actually STRAIGHT??