
This 3 year old will be the best drummer in the world on day, because you have to see it before you do it. This is funny but I don’t think it’s right. If your kid is sleep you should let them get their rest. Read More: Drummer Follow Me On Twitter @Konan92Q


Beyonce said she wants more kids but she isn’t sure how many she wants yet. We will see how long it takes for her to have another one. Read More:Beyonce Babies Follow Me On Twitter @Konan92Q

A huge shoutout to ALL the Moms that work hard everyday to raise their kids! With that being said, I’ve heard a lot of touching stories this Mother’s Day but one amazing story comes out of Minneapolis.  A screaming 10 month old saves her family from a house explosion! If I wouldn’t have woken up […]

Stevie Wonder was born in Saginaw, Michigan, in 1950 on May 13th. Owing to his being born six weeks premature, the blood vessels at the back of his eyes had not yet reached the front and their aborted growth caused the retinas to detach. When Stevie Wonder was four, his mother left his father and moved herself and her […]