St. Louis Schools plan to draw down its long-running school desegregation program. Observers say the program achieved integration, but mixed academic results.

Esther McCreedy grew up in a family of four children; her mother was a housekeeper for priests at Saint Williams of York and her father was a laborer. She knew as a very young child that she wanted to be a nurse. Ms. McCready grew up in East Baltimore and attended Dunbar High School – one […]

The Breakfast Bite Is it wrong, racist, or ignorant to say someone “talks white or black?”    That is the the question that has the phone lines on fire. Here’s what some of the callers had to say… Courtney..Said it is wrong because it’s like saying that someone sounds to educated to be black. Amanda…said […]

While children of different races are not "officially" separated by law, there are many practices and policies in existence that allow "white" or "Black" schools to develop. As was the case the first time around with segregation, the consequences of this separation are much more serious than a simple lack of diversity: majority white schools tend to have better teachers, resources, and college prep courses.