Ever feel like you’re stuck? It can be in a marriage, relationship, job, neighborhood! What we don’t know that we control our own destiny. Instead, we look to others who have absolutely no influence on our lives. I mean, yeah, it’s your mom’s advice, but it’s your life! So if you’re stuck, what will mom […]

The most common circles of domestic violence are in the intimate family circle. The only question that remains the same in all of us when our loved ones or people we don’t even know, suffer from domestic violence: Why didn’t you leave? Watch this video: SOURCE     Why don’t men leave relationships that are […]

Sometimes I feel like I’m not appreciated enough from the people that (in my opinion) should appreciate the things I do for them. I don’t do it for a pay back or for a shout on the mountain top. I do it because it’s my heart! So I can honestly say that I make sure […]

I did an exercise yesterday and found that I fail at relaxing! I just couldn’t do it! I tried to think about something comforting, relaxing, freeing, and simply couldn’t concentrate. What can you do to relax? Take a deep breath or two. Taking a few slow deep breaths helps release the stress in the body. […]

We know about domestic violence but aware there are many forms that fall under the subject. Recently, the world was witness to one of our own in a video recorded incident between him and his fiance (Ray Rice of the Baltimore Ravens). Although the details aren’t clear about what happened, intimate partner violence exists and […]

Not everyone has a special valentine. So I get it when the depression sets in as you watch your friends and co-workers brag and boast about their flowers (that’ll just die in a week), chocolates (that’ll spike up their sugar) and special date (that they hadn’t had in months). No need to be upset about […]

If you are TOTALLY OVER THE WINTER, as am I, I found some tips to help get your mind off of this mess: Exercise As if we needed another reason to get fit! Exercise isn’t only for maintaining your weight and staying healthy. It’s great for relieving the stresses of life. Eat a Healthy Diet […]

Did you know that the things we use to get us through our everyday lives were invented by African Americans? The ironing board you pressed your shirt on was invented by a  black person. What about the cell phone you’re using right now? Yup! It was invented by an African-American inventor! Check out the list: Black […]

Today, known as the “First Lady of the Civil Rights Movement”, Mrs. Rosa Parks would have been 92 years old. Civil rights activist Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her refusal to surrender her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama bus spurred a city-wide boycott. The city […]

It is said that domestic violence cases increase across the US during the time of the Super Bowl. It’s an emotional time for many who are aggressive with their love for the game and for whatever reason, it’s reason to take it out on the people we love through violence. The widely held belief that […]

Stop ASSuming you know someone’s story and their success story! It looks so much easier from the angle we’re looking from doesn’t it? Well, I’m sure it’s not! Please, please…PLEASE stop ASSuming! It makes you an ASS! Tips: Stop listening to gossip. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Put yourself in another person’s shoes. […]

I can agree with most people when they say they’re not inspired or motivated to do more at their jobs. It’s like management takes your ideas and run them in the ground and you get no credit for it! Or, it’s like no one pays any attention to your hard work and efforts that you […]