Tune in for an all new episode of ‘Cinema in Noir’ on BlogTalkRadio tonight, Sunday February 27th at 6PM EST. The show is co-hosted by Candice Frederick (http://ticketstubz.blogspot.com) , Kimberly Renee (http://reelsistas.tumblr.com/), Invisible Woman (http://invisible-cinema.blogspot.com/) and the The Urban Daily’s ReBecca Theodore-Vachon–four film critics who discuss the latest in black film and Hollywood news. Tonight’s […]


Sad to say, but it looks like the witch hunt against <strong>Pleasure P</strong> just won't go away. Over the weekend, the mother of the alleged victim of <strong>Pleasure P</strong> speaks out. He may not have harmed her son, but what he hiding? <!--more-->