
Lorna Stokes couldn't have gotten a better gift for her 65th birthday.

Plus, Detroit man to be released from prison after being wrongly convicted of murder and Rachel Dolezal shoots race doc at Howard University.

The R&B bad boy had an unusually fun encounter with Amsterdam police, who busted him for riding dirty.

Gabrielle Union hilariously shuts down pregnancy rumors by begging the media to leave her uterus alone

Actor Michael Jace has finally reached the end of his trial and received his prison sentence on Friday.

It's beyond us why anyone would come for someone's child, but a Cavaliers fan tried it and suffered some harsh consequences as a result.

Troy Ave was indicted on charges related to the fatal shooting at Irving Plaza last month that left one dead and three people injured.

A couple of weeks ago, Angela Simmons confirmed that she was engaged and that her fiancé Sutton Sean Tennyson are expecting their first child.

News & Gossip

  Beyoncé‘s LEMONADE took the world by storm, with fans marveling over the imagery and the message ever since the first teaser dropped for the visual album. But one person who watched the trailer for the HBO special when it first dropped saw something disturbingly familiar. Now a man has come forward to state that much of that […]

News & Gossip

The late, great Muhammad Ali is considered the greatest boxer to have ever participated in the sport. But even greats have people they respect and admire, and for Ali, it was Mike Tyson. Whenever fight fans begin discussing the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time, Tyson and Ali are often mentioned in the same sentence. […]

News & Gossip

Stories like this are truly heartbreaking and show the downside of social media usage among teens. A 15 year-old tragically decided to commit suicide after a nude Snapchat video of her was leaked online. The Daily Beast uncovers all of the sad details of the horrifying incident that claimed the life of 15 year-old Tovanna […]