News & Gossip

Jennifer Freeman is accused of beating her husband Earl Watson til' he bled.

Foxy Brown’s brother/rapper Gavin “Pretty Boy” Marchand was among the men arrested for allegedly using a stolen credit card to purchase designer clothes in Manhattan.

During my interview with Fantasia just over a month ago, we shared an emotional moment and I know her spirit. I know that Fantasia is strong and has overcome adversity in the past. This is yet another stumbling block in the road but she will bounce back. Mark my words on that one.

Montana Fishburne is in trouble with the law after allegedly beating up her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend.

What started out as a routine conference call among Shyne and a bunch of press and DJs quickly turned into quite the spectacle as 50 Cent decided to call in and heckle Shyne.

I thought Snoop maybe needed to lay off the trees a bit when he made that video professing his love to Sookie from True Blood. But now I think he’s just bored.

Check out the latest drama surrounding Lyfe Jennings and his relationships.

There are dozens, maybe hundreds of songs by female MCs that have earned their place in hip-hop history. But sometimes it’s not a whole song, just a verse, 8 to 16 bars that serve as defining moments for that MC.

Kanye gave everyone a heads up on Twitter yesterday that he’d be stopping by Hot 97 in NYC to debut some new music.

Foxy has run into some rough times lately. Not only does she face a felony but she is having weave woes.