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2017 NBA Finals - Game Three

Source: Ronald Martinez / Getty

While getting vaccinated against COVID-19 was a debacle via social media and nationally, Kyrie took the stance by saying, “he would be the “example” and “spokesperson” for those whom could not be heard about their opinions against vaccination.” Since taking that stance it has been reported by Si.Hoops, “Kyrie said refusing to get vaccinated cost him $100Million dollars overall.”

When Kyrie recently spoke at NBA Brooklyn Nets Media Day he said, “It was like [Get this] contract, get vaccinated or he unvaccinated and there’s a level of uncertainty of your future. Whether you’re going to be in this league, whether you’re going to be in this team. So I had to deal with that real-life circumstance of losing my job for this decision.”

Would you still choose to not be vaccinated if you know you would lose $100Million Dollars? Let us know below.