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Stranger Things x Fortnite Crossover Event

Source: Epic Games / Fortnite

Just in time for the arrival of the third season of Netflix’s uber-popular supernatural original series Stranger Things, Epic Games announced a crossover update that would bring elements from the show to Fortnite.

The world of Fortnite will be heading to the Upside Down for a limited time. Players will be able to purchase skins turning their characters into either Chief Hopper or the Demogorgon from Stranger Things. Of course, it’s going to cost you 1,500 and 1,200 “V-bucks” and also features a weapon wrap called “vines” so parents expect your young gamer to ask you swipe that credit card one time.

Fortnite players pretty much figured this out early when portals similar to the ones in the show that lead to the fictional world the “Upside Down” started popping in the Mega Mall region on the battle royal map. Ice cream cones that replenished the health of players have also begun popping up. In the trailer for Stanger Things 3 most of the action seems to take place in Starcourt Mall in Hawkins and  Steve Harrington (Joe Keery), as well as a newcomer to the series Robin (Maya Thurman-Hawke), work as ice cream vendors.

The Stranger Things update joins the growing list of crossover promotions Fortnite has given its players such as Marvel’s The Avengers which included numerous roles featuring Thanos and John Wick which introduced a limited assassination mode.

Stranger Things itself also introduced several crossover promotions before the third season’s July 4th premiere. The show partnered up recently with Eggo Waffles for retro ads, and capsule collections for both Nike and Levis as well. A mobile game revolving around the show was also recently announced at this year’s E3 convention.

Looks like Stranger Things is becoming a worldwide phenomenon, you can stream and binge season 3 now on Netflix.

Photo: Epic Games / Fortnite

‘Fortnite’ Gets Turned Upside Down With New ‘Stranger Things’ Crossover Update  was originally published on