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Two women got into a huge fight over a seat on the subway in Brooklyn, New York earlier this week. In light of this incident, I talked about resolving conflicts without violence for the motivational minute.

Here are some tips.

1) Assess the situation. Remain calm and allow the other individual to do the talking. Use this time to identify key concepts such as the origin of the conflict. Do not focus on who started the argument.

2) Consider the other individual’s point of view. Ask yourself questions such as, “What can make this situation right?”

3) Calm the other individual. Begin changing the nature of the dialogue from hostile words to more neutral ones. Use words and phrases such as, “I understand.” If you are wrong, acknowledge it and apologize to the other individual. This can be done in a way that doesn’t make you appear weak. Validate the other person’s key points and ignore personal attacks.

For more tips, click here!

Below is the video of the incident in Brooklyn:

Motivational Minute: How To Beat The Heat

Motivational Minute: Five Things To Do When You’re Unemployed

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