Last night marked 40 years since the Baltimore Bullets moved to DC and became then Washington Bullets now Wizards in 1973. The exhibition game against the Knicks opened to a sold out crowd and was the first time in 14yrs since Washington played at Baltimore Arena. Baltimore’s own and NY Knick Carmelo Anthony returns home […]

Dre’s #breakfastbite.. Who’s going to win the NBA title? Heat or Spurs? @drejohnson1 #wednesday#92q #baltimore #nba #bmore #maryland DjCush Carter-Bey … I wish Bmore had a Team Jermaine Townes Tha fundamentals …..SPURS!! Richard Washington The Miami Heat be like “Send KISHA AND DADADA MAN DOWN THERE AND ROCK THERE ASS(Spurs) to sleep, ROCKABYE BABE! Tashia Smith Not a basketball fan, but after watching the game […]