About The Morning Hustle

THE MORNING HUSTLE is the freshest program in broadcast with an entertaining, humorous and informative take on urban pop culture from the Millennial and Generation Z point of view, meant to wake up its audience to the beat of today’s Hip Hop. The show offers listeners the unique chemistry of the hosts providing a rare authenticity and transparency that connects with the lifestyle of the audience.

Shoutout all the ladies up early and getting their hustle on!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH1YWrA5j7E Psychic Wayne joined The Morning Hustle in studio and read the tarot deck on 50 Cent, Kanye West & J. Cole. On 50 Cent: After the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant, 50 Cent took to social media and said he was going to start handling this differently from here on out. i feel like […]

We already know this new Migos song is going to be huge by the sounds of these features.

K. Michelle is gearing up for the release of her new album "All Monsters Are Human."

Ray J calls in to share why Urban One Honors inspires him and why positivity is always on his radar.