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Tamar Braxton is going through a divorce with her husband, Vincent Herbert and details are surfacing that he was allegedly abusive.

If you work in an office, secret santa can be stressful enough. What if you have to buy a gift for someone you don’t like? What if the person you’re assigned doesn’t like your gift? Well imagine participating with an entire country. New Zealand is hosting their annual secret santa this year. Folks can sign […]

Beyonce's new holiday collection is bleeding our bank account dry!

For those who plan on catching a game or two for Thanksgiving, nothing screams football season like a fire drumline. One drummer named Joshua Price showed off his skills on Instagram. Let’s just hope he’s playing for the right team. Watch him get down on the drums below. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bbx7gKLgyBX/?taken-by=j.verypricey

Fitness guru, Shaun T now has his work cut out for him as him and his husband, Scott Blokker welcome twin boys.

Everyone has their favorite side dish. Whether it’s macaroni and cheese, candied yams, or greens, there’s one food item folks just can’t go without for a big meal. Well according to the state of California, they can’t live without salad — or at least, so says a survey that was held back in 2015. Salad […]

Film director Chris Robinson got a pleasant surprise on a day leading up to Thanksgiving. Ms. Patti LaBelle hand delivered her famous “Patti Pie” to Chris and another talented singer accompanied the presentation. Watch Luke James serenade a crowd with Ms. LaBelle and it’ll give you all the chills for the holiday season. https://www.instagram.com/p/BbzIAf8HdXi/?taken-by=mrrobotodirector

We haven’t heard much from rapper Cassidy in quite some time, but now he’s making headlines.

Over the past couples of weeks celebrities have been speaking out against sexual harassment.

Every week players from different NFL teams continue to kneel or sit during the national anthem.