Dre’s #breakfastbite.. If you could visit a warm place right now, where would it be? Cornell Willis Sicily, Italy hands down! Keisha Henson Bora Bora Cristal Lee ANY I AIN’T PICKY Charles Smith I’m with you Cristal Lee….my bed would be cool right about now Renee’ Scott-Richardson Jamaica LK Schwendig Trinidad whthershey209 Anywhere warm. I’m not […]

Dre’s #breakfastbite.. I only like to ___ in the summer? Fill in blank. @drejohnson1 #92q #baltimore #maryland #humpday #bmore bondprekSleep late @drejohnson1 A teachers dream. Gm boogie_thegreatFree Ball!!! #DontJudgeMe Gm @drejohnson1 pookshoobParty @drejohnson1 party party party justiffmaireShower! tammyp2003Goto.cookouts djtopflight@drejohnson1 eat crabs! Good morning! wiz_otisFuck outside #don’t #judge #me ripkevin_22Eat Crabs and Swim @drejohnson1 bad_meaning_good109@drejohnson1. I […]