You have been married or dated for years and one day things feel off and you leave. You may have kids, a mortgage or a lot of emotional history with this person. Is it ever too late to leave or should you just make it work because you have so much time and effort invested?

A 25 yr old new mom yearns for the days when she and her man were intimately on fire! Check out my video solution.

Love Him ... Love the Kid ... Hate the Mom! Video advice to get you over the baby mama hurdle.

If there's one thing that redeems the terrible process of breaking up with someone, it's the transformation-rich recovery period that follows.

While you're scanning the crowd at a sports bar, your next date may be in hot pursuit at Bed Bath & Beyond. We convinced single dudes to divulge their pickup plans.

Vivica A. Fox is 45 and dating a hot new guy who is 25. No surprise, some people are hating on her new romance. Do we judge women harsher when it comes to dating someone much younger?

We are helping you with catching your lover in a lie. Read the clues that Love Zone listeners shared last night that will tip you off to a lying lover every time!

What did God say after he created man? “I can do better.”

It was all about your love dilemmas in the Love Zone. We covered love vs. lust, advantages of being single and much more! Check out the Love Zone Sun. - Thurs. at 10pm.

It is time to evaluate love victories and failures in 2009. How will your relationship be in 2010? What is your love wish? Here are a few of things the Love Zone community wants from amour in 2010. Feel free to leave your wishes on the page too!

Last night the Love Zone phone lines and fan page were on fire because you wanted to get on the record regarding white women and their ability to find a great guy faster than black women. Is this true or just another stereotype to work through?

Open Question Night in the Love Zone gets crazy. Check out some of the Q&A from the show and feel free to leave your question in the comment section. Make sure you check out the Love Zone with LaDawn Black at 10pm Sun-Thurs.