Summertime is approaching and time to swap out our winter clothes for fun summer gear.  Having toned sexy arms to showcase your favorite summer tops and dresses are idea!  Wanna know how? Check out Hollywood Trainer Jeanette Jenkins top 3 exercises achieve this!

Hip Hop star Lil Cease took control and transformed his life and body and want you to do the same.  In his new video, “Hardbody Fitness”, the Brooklyn native shows you how to turn your flab into hard muscle you’d be proud of.

Fitness Guru Donna Richardson Joyner has been motivating millions of people to get healthy and lose weight for over 20 years.  She passionately tells exercise-challenged people to Stop making excuses to exercise and just do it! Make it a priority.

Breaking up your fitness routine is hard to do. But it's crucial for avoiding the bigger heartache of overuse injury, fitness experts say.

If someone with a busy lifestyle that includes working, taking care of family and always being on the go, it can be difficult to find time to work out.

Building good exercising habits can be a bit of a lifestyle change, but with these exercises it is plain to see that anybody can do them.

Six expert tips from the <strong>American Running Association</strong><strong> for getting the most of every running experience.</strong>

In the last decade there has been a boom in children running races that use to be strictly for adults. School groups, tweens and teens are now running marathons.

Check out these tips that will shave valuable minutes off your fitness routine while still getting you the same benefits as a full-length workout.

Squeezing in some extra walking every day is a great way to burn calories, boost mood, and lower your risk of disease. ChiWalking, can even cut down on aches and pains by incorporating elements of tai chi, yoga, and pilates.

What would you call people who can: help keep your weight off, boost your confidence, and make fitness fun? You might call them "miracle workers."

Most guys in the gym—even the regulars—look about the same year after year. Maybe you do too, and that sucks. You don't go through life trying to stay where you are, so why are you still lifting the same weights as last year? Probably because you don't have a plan for progress. We do.