I really hate getting into arguments or tense conversations. I do, however, like to get the last word in, but that’s a bad thing too! Does that mean you won the argument? Is ignoring the best method of revenge? Does yelling really prove a point? How can you win an argument and make your point […]

There are times when we encounter people who genuinely seem to be good people. Yet beneath the surface of their friendly demeanor lie’s a conniving, backstabbing, and deceiving person whose ultimate goal is portray the role of a friend in order to achieve some twisted personal gain at your expense.  At first these people seem […]

With all the stress and drama in our lives it’s not surprising that even the smallest tings can send us over the edge. People really need to know how to pick their battles and realize that some things especially the small problems in life are not worth spending the effort of stressing and getting upset […]

So you have that friend who you are no longer speaking to. Maybe you guys were friends for a long time or maybe you both just met. Either way, you two should try to make up. It is never good to hold grudges or burn bridges. Unless something outrageous happened, then maybe you shouldn’t try […]

Taking notes from last night’s Real Housewives of Atlanta, I know I’m definitely a better person when it comes to conflict. I have NEVER seen so much foolishness and immaturity between such women in my life! I can admit that I was embarrassed as a black women, a mother, a career woman….HECK A WOMAN period!!! […]